
Understanding What Types of Investments Are There?

Investment is defined as “the money you put into a financial undertaking.” The money invested in a business can either be paid directly out as a dividend or interest (either fixed or variable) or be used for the purchase of assets for the business. It is the profit that can be realized from this investment. To illustrate this further, let us take a look at how a business would operate if all of their resources were tied up in fixed assets such as raw material and plant and equipment. In this case, the company would have no extra funds available for expansion or for purchasing new inventory.


A common type of fixed income investment in equities is to purchase a stock in a company. There are two types of stocks-the tangible and the intangible. An intraday trade is one where an investor purchases a stock from another company within minutes of it being listed. These trades are not reported until the stock has reached a certain price and can result in significant gains or losses to the seller and the buyer. Many investors prefer to purchase stock in stocks rather than to trade them because trading can result in losses that would prevent them from being able to realize their higher returns on their investments.

Another type of direct investment is represented by the stock market. Investors choose to put money into stocks that are traded on the stock exchange. They are able to make money on their investments by determining when to buy and sell a particular stock. Because these types of investments are much more speculative than equities, they carry much higher risk. The chance of losing money on these investments is what drives the cost of the investment up. Conversely, the opportunity to gain substantial profits from trading means that they have lower costs and are more appropriate for mature investors who are able to bear the risk associated with trading the stock market.

Another type of direct investment that does not involve an action on the part of the seller or buyer is securities like bonds. A bond, like stocks, is usually purchased with the promise to repay a certain amount of money at a future date. They represent an investment in a company by someone other than the seller or buyer; however, in a way, they are investments in a portfolio of securities, just like stocks. There are various types of bonds including government bonds, corporate bonds, commercial bonds, and mortgage bonds among others.

Fixed interest investments are another way of dealing directly with companies without needing to trade or pay out money. For example, fixed rate savings accounts give you a certain percentage of your savings each year without requiring you to pay interest. Many investors prefer to use fixed interest investments such as these to earn tax free income and invest for retirement. These investments also allow investors to lock in a certain interest rate and to make sure that it stays the same, so that if the interest rates change, their investments do not suffer. In many ways, fixed rate savings accounts are similar to bonds; however, they are safer to own since there is no fluctuation in value and there is generally less risk involved.

Finally, the stock market has many different kinds of investment opportunities, including mutual funds, stocks, and bonds. Mutual funds are investments in a group of companies that follow a set path. In general, when an investor buys a mutual fund, he or she invests in a basket of businesses. When the companies make money, so does the investor. However, mutual funds require that the investments held by the investor are all stocks; otherwise, the purchase costs of the funds become too high.